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The Bible of Many Colors is a visual study Bible of the King James version of the Bible. It allows the reader to: focus on what's being said and the spiritual meaning of the Bible instead of getting lost in who is saying what and who they are speaking to or about.
Colors are assigned to each person in the bible who speaks. Any word referring to that person is colored with their assigned color and any time that person speaks it's underlined with their assigned color.
The process has taken just over nine years to organize and assign colors to everyone who speaks in the scriptures. It was an incredibly challenging task to go through every page and verse! But the finshed product is a wonderfully rewarding tool for studying the Holy Bible!
What is it?
This is a visual study Bible of the King James version of the Bible. It allows the reader to focus on what is being said, and the spiritual meaning instead of getting lost in who is saying what and who they are speaking to or about.
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How it works

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How it works: Colors are assigned to each person in the bible who speaks. Any word referring to that person is colored with their color, and any time that person speaks it's underlined with their color.
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